Information about Trading Paints.
Tips and information on designing your cars and managing your paints.
Managing your Trading Paints membership.
How to best use the Showroom, the Trading Paints community.
Getting the most out of the Windows Trading Paints Downloader program.
Trading Paints Pro
Information about Trading Paints Pro features.
Paint Builder
Designing paints with Paint Builder, available with Trading Paints Pro.
Paint Builder
Paint Builder basics
Using Paint Builder’s Painting Guides
Adding a Base Paint to your Paint Builder project
Adding Graphics to your Paint Builder project
Adding a logo to your Paint Builder project
Uploading your own logo to a Paint Builder project
Adding a background to a logo in Paint Builder
Adding text to a Paint Builder project
Drawing Shapes in Paint Builder
Using blend types on shapes
Using the gradient Base Paint in Paint Builder
Undo and redo changes made to a Paint Builder project
Rotating the view of the Paint Builder canvas
Sharing a Paint Builder project
Submit a Paint Builder project to the Trading Paints Showroom
Racing with a Paint Builder project as your custom paint in iRacing
Sim Preview: Viewing your Paint Builder projects in iRacing’s 3D car model viewer
About Legacy projects
Resetting Car Parts template layers on a project
Making a duplicate copy of a Paint Builder project
Changing the finish of Paint Builder layers (beta)
Sharing Paint Builder logos with other users via share codes
Paint Builder keyboard shortcuts