Information about Trading Paints.
Tips and information on designing your cars and managing your paints.
Managing your Trading Paints membership.
How to best use the Showroom, the Trading Paints community.
Getting the most out of the Windows Trading Paints Downloader program.
Trading Paints Pro
Information about Trading Paints Pro features.
Paint Builder
Designing paints with Paint Builder, available with Trading Paints Pro.
How are trending Showroom paints ranked?
What is the Showroom?
How can I race with a paint from the Showroom?
How can I race with a paint I’ve favorited?
How do I submit my work to the Showroom?
Can I add a paint to the Showroom that I didn’t create?
Can I sell a paint in the Trading Paints Showroom?
How can I contact the author or uploader of a paint in the Showroom?
What happens when you follow a user?
How can I report or flag an inappropriate paint?
Can I ask a Showroom author or painter to create a custom paint for me?
How can I edit a paint I uploaded to the Showroom?
If I delete a Showroom paint, will drivers who’ve raced the paint still be racing the paint?
Why do some users have “Pro” next to their name?
What are trophies on a user profile page?
Can I make changes to someone else’s paint and re-upload it?
When are daily most popular trophies awarded?
Do I need to upload separate Sim-Stamped Number and Custom Number paints in the Showroom?
What is a Collection?
How do I use a Collection as an AI Carset in iRacing?
How do I make my Collection AI-ready?
What is a verified official paint?
How can I get a verified official badge on my Showroom paint page?
What should I do if I see the message “You currently cannot post in the Showroom”?
How is Paint of the Week determined?