Information about Trading Paints.
Tips and information on designing your cars and managing your paints.
Managing your Trading Paints membership.
How to best use the Showroom, the Trading Paints community.
Getting the most out of the Windows Trading Paints Downloader program.
Trading Paints Pro
Information about Trading Paints Pro features.
Paint Builder
Designing paints with Paint Builder, available with Trading Paints Pro.
What is Trading Paints Downloader and why do I need to use it?
How can I make sure other drivers can see my custom paint?
Where do I get the Trading Paints Downloader program to install on my computer?
Does Trading Paints Downloader contain viruses or malware?
What are the system requirements for Trading Paints Downloader?
What should I do if Trading Paints Downloader will not install correctly?
Does downloading paints affect my computer’s performance or frame rates?
Can I leave Trading Paints Downloader running at all times?
I heard someone mention “Ctrl + R”. What does that mean?
How can I uninstall Trading Paints Downloader from my computer?
I uninstalled Trading Paints Downloader but I still see custom paints. How can I remove the remaining files from my computer?
What do these Trading Paints Downloader error messages mean?
What do these Trading Paints Downloader options mean?
What should I do if I see “Waiting for Connection”?
When I restart my computer, Trading Paints says an update is required. How do I fix this?
Why are cars appearing plain white on the track?
My paint shows up all-black in iRacing. How can I fix this?
Other drivers see my custom paints but I do not see them. What should I do?
How do I see my paints from Trading Paints in the iRacing 3D car viewer?
How can I enable spec maps in iRacing if I do not see them?
How can I see Custom Number paints when I race?
How do I completely close the Trading Paints Downloader?
Is Trading Paints compatible with OneDrive?
My Trading Paints Downloader is not updating. What should I do?
Which domains and URLs should I allow through my firewall for proper operation of the Trading Paints Downloader?
What can I do if I see the wrong paints on other cars?
Saving Trading Paints Downloader activity output
Featured guides
My Trading Paints Downloader is not updating. What should I do? What is a Custom Number paint and how do they work? What do these Trading Paints Downloader error messages mean? What is a spec map and how do I create a spec map for iRacing? March 24, 2025: Downloader “Waiting for Internet connection” message