Information about Trading Paints.
Tips and information on designing your cars and managing your paints.
Managing your Trading Paints membership.
How to best use the Showroom, the Trading Paints community.
Getting the most out of the Windows Trading Paints Downloader program.
Trading Paints Pro
Information about Trading Paints Pro features.
Paint Builder
Designing paints with Paint Builder, available with Trading Paints Pro.
What file formats are accepted?
What is a decal layer?
Why can’t I see my custom paint on the iRacing member site?
How can I see a paint I am creating on a car?
How do I see custom paints on the track in iRacing?
How can I tell which paint other people can see on my car?
How can I paint my own custom cars for iRacing?
Can I upload a custom paint on behalf of someone else?
Can other drivers download or re-use my paints on the Trading Paints website?
How can I choose the number style or wheel style on my car?
What paint will drivers who don’t have Trading Paints see when I race?
How do I assign a team paint?
What should I do if I want to upload a paint but not let anyone else race with it?
What is a Custom Number paint and how do they work?
What is a spec map and how do I create a spec map for iRacing?
Where is the 3D car viewer in iRacing?
Why are some vehicles not available for custom painting?
How do I assign a paint for league sessions specifically?
On some vehicles, logos appear faintly “ghosted” underneath my custom paint. How can I prevent this?
How can I remove old leagues from the My Paints section?
Featured guides
My Trading Paints Downloader is not updating. What should I do? What is a Custom Number paint and how do they work? What do these Trading Paints Downloader error messages mean? What is a spec map and how do I create a spec map for iRacing? March 24, 2025: Downloader “Waiting for Internet connection” message