Information about Trading Paints.
Tips and information on designing your cars and managing your paints.
Managing your Trading Paints membership.
How to best use the Showroom, the Trading Paints community.
Getting the most out of the Windows Trading Paints Downloader program.
Trading Paints Pro
Information about Trading Paints Pro features.
Paint Builder
Designing paints with Paint Builder, available with Trading Paints Pro.
How do I delete my Trading Paints account?
How do I change the name associated with my Trading Paints account?
Do I need to make a Trading Paints account for my team?
Do I need an iRacing membership to be a member of Trading Paints?
What should I do if I forgot my password?
How can I activate my account or reset my password if I am restricted from using messaging in iRacing?
How can I stop receiving emails from Trading Paints?
How can I stop receiving private messages from other users?
What should I do if I think someone has gained access to my account?
Where is my account activation message?
How do I find my iRacing Customer ID number?
I have a second account on iRacing. Can my existing Trading Paints account be switched to another account?
How do I block another user?