Where is my account activation message?

When you register for a Trading Paints account, you need to activate your account by clicking a link sent to your iRacing Private Message inbox.

The account activation message is sent through iRacing, not through email. This is done to match Trading Paints accounts to iRacing accounts.

Other possibilities:

  • Ensure you have checked your iRacing Private Message inbox for the activation message.

  • Ensure you have entered your iRacing Customer ID number correctly when signing up.

  • Ensure iRacing PM inbox is not full. If your inbox is full, please clear some messages and wait up to 24 hours for a new message to be sent.

  • Ensure you are not restricted from messaging as a result of a protest on iRacing. You must have messaging access in order to use Trading Paints.

  • You may already have a Trading Paints account. Try to reset your password if you believe this may be the case.