Is Trading Paints Pro worth it?

We like to think so!

When you subscribe to Trading Paints Pro, you’ll get access to Paint Builder, our software to design your own custom iRacing paints in your browser.

A Pro membership also includes the ability to race with Custom Number paints, providing even more flexibility for showing off your unique style in iRacing.

Additionally, a Pro membership includes some other fun features like access to decal layers, night-specific paints, saving your old paints, vehicle-specific helmets and suits, and additional flexibility for artists maintaining their portfolios in the Showroom.

A Trading Paints Pro subscription costs US $23.99/year, and we’re proud that we’ve never raised the price since we launched Pro in 2014.

When you upgrade to Trading Paints Pro, you’re also supporting a small, independent team of passionate sim racers, which helps keeps Trading Paints online and getting better every day.